Yanji is the location of the provincial government of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, and is the largest commercial, international trading, industrial and tourism city in the eastern region of Jilin Province.
Yanji City, which is located at the border for China, Russia and North Korea, forms the Big Triangle in the North Asian Region along with the Vladivostok of Russia and Cheongjin of North Korea, and is the central city on the side of China of the Golden Triangle of the North Asian Economic Zone.
General current status of Yanji City
Location (Area) : Eastern region of Jilin Province (1,350㎢)/(area of built-up region of 22.8㎢)
Population : Approximately 500,000 (Those of Korean descent accounts for 57.9%, and of Chinese descent accounts for 39.7% of total population)
Administrative districts : 6 express roads and 3 Jins
Climate : Mesothermen semi-wet climate, annual average temperature of 5.3℃ and rainfall of 550㎜
Educational institutions : 1 university, 7 high schools, 23 middle schools and 42 elementary schools
No. of enterprises : 331 enterprises / 30 or so foreign enterprises with approximately 20 companies invested from Korea
Resources : Minerals such as gold, silver, copper, petroleum and limestone, valuable oriental medicines such as ginseng and deer antler, and wild animals
Industries : Electronics, chemical, machinery, construction materials, food and textile, etc.
Agriculture : Rice, corn, beans and fruits, etc
Yanji Economic Development Zone
- Total area of 5.33㎢ with approximately 100 companies in the areas of food, medical drugs and equipment, IT and high-tech industry.
- Construction of 4km of dedicate railway within the Development Zone with convenience in railway and aviation transportation with distance of 8km to the airport
Current Status of Interaction with Sisterhood City
Current status of interaction with Yanji City in China
Municipal representatives visited Yanji and executed MOU for friendly exchange/’03.11.3
Yanji City representatives visited Daedeok-gu and executed Agreement for friendly exchange/’04.4.22
Municipal Assembly visited Yanji City/’04.9.8
Municipal representatives visited Yanji City/’05.6.27
Yanji City representatives visited Daedeok-gu/’06.10.24
Municipal representatives visited Yanji City/’07.8.26
Yanji City representatives visited Daedeok-gu (5 persons)/’08.3.12
Municipal representatives and companies visited Yanji City (6 persons)/’08.8.27
Yanji City representatives visited Daedeok-gu (4 persons)/ ’09.7.20
Yanji City representatives visited Daedeok-gu (4 persons)/ ’11.4.22
Visited the Yanji City Investment and International Trading Exhibition (5 persons)/ ’11.8.27