Introduction of Daedeok-gu - Dream & Happiness Lohas Eco-City the world Best Daedeok District
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Greetings from the Mayor of Municipality


Greetings to you all. We are delighted to greet you all on this Daedeok-gu Homepage.

As widely known among our citizens, in Daedeok-gu one can enjoy a developed city life along with a preserved green environment. Our features include Gyejoksan Mountain, which surrounds the whole city, the Jangdong Woodland Park, and the Daecheong lakeside areas. Also, the Daejeon Industrial Complex and the Daedeok Industrial Complex are located in this city.

We are committed to making the Daedeok a global city, providing the most satisfactory economic and residential environment for all residents. We know we can do this thanks to our natural resources and industrial facilities.

This Daedeok-gu Homepage is open to all of you. It provides public information, district activities and other administrative services. Also, you can freely leave your comments or proposals on this site, since we aim to be more closely connected to you through this homepage. The City Office welcomes all of your support and encouragement and promises to give the most agreeable resident-centered services.

Thank you very much.

The Mayor of Daedeok-gu

Daejeon Metropolitan City